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"I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power."
Ephesians 3:7 (NIV)

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The year 2018 was amazing and a new beginning for me. For over 20 years, I was in the Emergency Medical Services field; first as a volunteer Firefighter, then working as an EMT, Paramedic, Flight Medic, and Instructor. Then my life took an exciting turn! This new adventure all started when I began waking up at 3am each morning and started to write down my thoughts and dreams. I had never done anything like this before; I was writing words that were being given to me from God. Praise The Lord, Jesus Saved Me!!! These writings ultimately became a collection of lyrical poems which are songs telling stories of my life and journey with the Lord. I was very Blessed to be able to publish 3am Songbook, A Collection of Poems to Uplift Your Heart in 2019. I am thankful to be able to publish an updated version of 3am Songbook; along with Journey of the Interactive Bible Guide, Chapter One, Volume 7 in 2023. It's truly amazing to see The Holy Spirit working in so many of us! I'm so Blessed and excited to be on this mission with everyone to share the Love of Jesus and make Him known! I pray that these writings of life's journeys are a Blessing to you, and will uplift your heart bringing others to Eternal Salvation In Christ!
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421 Benigno Blvd #1418
Bellmawr, NJ 08099
Cross Paw Publishing

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